Sprijinul Rotary International Marea Britanie și Irlanda

De 12 ani, Rotary International UK & Ireland ne aduc mii de pachete anual, cu jucării, haine, lucruri pentru bebeluși, copii mici și tineri. Mii de familii și mii de copii s-au bucurat de cadourile oferite de 1 iunie, de Crăciun, de Paști. Copiii din instituții, copiii din familii nevoiașe, cei din asistență maternală, cei din grădinițe - au parte de zâmbetele și surpriza pe care le-o aduc aceste cadouri an de an. Pentru cei mai mulți dintre ei, acestea sunt puținele ocazii când primesc ceva special, doar al lor. Iar fericirea și sclipirea din ochi merită tot drumul lung al tirului din Marea Britanie, până în Baia Mare.

Shoeboxes from Rotary International for UK & Ireland

For 12 years, Rotary International for UK & Ireland bring thousands of shoeboxes, with toys, clothing, and other things for babies, children, youngsters. Thousands of families, thousands of kids enjoy the presents they receive on June 1st, Christmas, Easter. Children in institutions, children in needy families, or in foster care - they smile and enjoy the surprise these presents bring to them year by year.

For most of them, these are the few occasions when they get something special, which is theirs only. And the happiness and the glow in their eyes deserve the long road the lorry takes from the UK to Baia Mare.

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Manifestarea afecțiunii ca slăbiciune

Copiii au nevoie de afecțiune. Dar în societate, adulții oferă foarte rar gesturi de afecțiune copiilor lor. De aici izvorăște o tară a societății noastre, în care jocul cu copiii, afecțiunea și atenția de care au atâta nevoie - le sunt refuzate, cu efecte negative asupra dezvoltării lor și a stimei de sine. Dacă asta se întâmplă în cazul copiilor din familii obișnuite, atunci copiii din instituții suferă de lipsa afecțiunii în proporții cutremurătoare.

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Affection Perceived as Weakness

Maybe that is a reason why we tolerate the institutionalization of children: the appreciation that affection to a child can take out our weakness, can make us "look bad". We see few people caress their children, their nephews. We hear even fewer adults discussing with their children, including them in conversations at family meetings, or among friends. Usually, hugging children is rare, and playing with them (reading, colouring, playing with dolls, or with toy cars) is something that the "grown-ups" do not do... Actually, each of us knows, we all need affection, embracing, good words. We all want to be appreciated and special for a few people who really matter to us, who are our family. Children need this a thousand times more than we do. However, due to the prejudice and assumptions we are captive to - they rarely have affection, or attention.

And we are talking about our children, our families. What to say about the children in institutions, for whom a good word, attention and affection are truly rare.

Somehow, we are afraid to show we need affection, when this is one of the things we long for. And then, we suffocate gestures of affection and we take away something essential to children, to their natural development.

Madame Lily Safra auctions her jewelry. HHC to benefit.

Rarely can one see jewelry such as Madame Lily Safra"s. She has been a supporter of ours for years. She decided to auction her jewelry, and a significant part of income is to be directed to our programmes. Over the next few years, we will be able to continue our programmes due to her support. In time, she has become one of our most important partners. We thank her for this kind offer.