Would you imagine your two year-old child tied to a cot, by the hands and legs? If you had a child with special needs, would you neglect him, abuse him in hospitals in our country? How much has our childcare system grown insensitive, if six children with special needs are abandoned by public specialised childcare services, in hospitals? How mean should our social system be, if it is cold in front of violence manifested upon children without any possibility to defend themselves?
Ți-ai imagina copilul tău de doi ani, legat de mâini și de picioare de pat, în spital? Dacă ai avea un copil cu nevoi speciale, l-ai lăsa de izbeliște, neglijat și abuzat prin violență prin spitalele din țara noastră? Cât de mult s-a desensibilizat sistemul de protecție a copilului, dacă șase copii cu nevoi speciale sunt abandonați de serviciile publice specializate în protecția copilului, în spitale? Cât de înrăit trebuie să fie sistemul social în care existăm, dacă e nepăsător în fața violenței manifestate asupra unor copii fără nici un fel de posibilitate de a se apăra?
"I the law of mental health, it is allowed to tie a person suffering from psychiatric illness in some special circumstances, to protect them from accidents while diagnostic and treatment procedures are on course. It is part of the law, I do not mean that the approach is correct or incorrect, but it is within the limits of the law." This is what the president of the College of Physicians in Buzau says. And psychiatric specialists utter more absurdities: binding children suffering from psychiatric illness to their cots in in their own favour, as "they can harm themselves"... Instead of coming with alternatives, with solutions, or with formal blames to such behaviour of hideous carelesness.
What kind of country do we live in? How dehumanised is the social system we are part of? When do we get to value the dignity every person, not to say every child - is entitled to?