Instituțiile vechi pentru copii din Maramureș sunt istorie

La începutul acestui an am închis ultima instituție de tip vechi din Maramureș. După 12 ani și tot atâtea instituții-mamut închise, toți copiii din protecția statului din județ sunt plasați doar în medii familiale sau case de tip familial pentru cel mult 12 copii. Capitolul încheiat aici demonstrează că se poate. Se poate face reformă adevărată în protecția copilului în România, de către stat, deci, în mod sustenabil. HHC a sprijinit Consiliul Județean și Direcția pentru Protecția Copilului în tot acest timp, dar statul a implementat efectiv reforma și tot statul susține noua structură de servicii, noul sistem de protecție, pe termen lung. Pentru copii, e o diferență enormă. Mediul familial le oferă o copilărie mai bună și ulterior o viață independentă. Asta nu înseamnă că s-au încheiat problemele. Rămâne chestiunea calității îngrijirii, a atitudinii birocratice excesive cu efecte negative asupra copiilor, rămâne problema activităților periculos de restrânse derulate cu copiii, dar s-a trecut un prag psihologic și, de acum înainte, vorbim despre calitatea vieții copiilor și despre modul de interacțiune cu ei. Aici ne vom îndrepta atenția.

Old-Type Institutions for Children in Maramures County are Gone

At the beginning of this year, we closed the last old type institution for children in Maramures county. After 12 years and the same number of institutions closed, all children in state care in this county are placed only in family alternatives. The chapter ended here proves it is possible. It is possible to make real reform in childcare in Romania, by the state, so in a most sustainable way. We supported the state authorities all this time, but it is the state that actually implemented the reform and it is still the state that supports the new structure of services, the new childcare system, long term. For the children, this is a huge difference. The family environment offers them a better childhood and then the chance of an independent life.This does not mean problems are over. There are still the issues of quality of care, excessive bureaucracy, with negative effects on children, as well as the unsufficient daily activities done with children, but a breakthrough has been achieved and, from now on, we can talk about children"s quality of life. This is where our attention stands.

When Social Allowances Turn into an Excuse for Laziness

We can pay lots of money for needy families, with mothers and fathers who do not want to get hired. We can laugh at an attempt to reduce the ways of losing tax payer"s money, by taking into account more decision indicators when granting or not granting social allowances. We can complain that social workers are about to turn into experts in assessing poor people"s goods. Yet we fail to see that it is the same poor people who refuse to accept good jobs, found by social workers.Many of them would better live on social allowance, then get hired. So, why poor buckets of money in families who can work? Why spend in vain, where there are people able to work healthy, both in mind, and in body?

By being stubborn, by being lazy, and also by noticing "they can get around", the lazy ones get the status of "socially protected". Moreover, they maintain their kids in conditions of extreme poverty. In such situations, children should be taken from their parents, who endanger their lives and health.

Yes, there is some excess in the way the indicators of granting social allowances are conceived, but, overall, the methodology is good and will lead to the diminishing of wasting the public money, as well as to the increase of employment. Because, the real social protection for the needy ones, is getting them a job. I have had enough of the eternal social protected ones, who run away from work as much as they can.